Reebok Redesign | Interaction and Visual Design for Reebok's new products
Our goal is to reach the young and daring customer without scaring away the current customer. We aim to be just past the trend, and still be commercial enough to be understood. We can encourage and empower Game Changers by customizing their exposure to special parts of journeys meant just for them, moments of extreme personalization and friendly qualities that we communicate through emotion, art and interest.

Presenting Two-Flow Ideas
Gamechangers Reebok decided to target a very specific muse - The Gamechanger - a young, creative, trendsetter, active on social media, possibly an influencer. This is not at all the 40-something male Crossfitter that they were accustomed to dealing with. We mapped out a few typical user flows and accompanied wireframes to illustrate optional journeys for the Reebok team.

Additional entry points like email and google were also used to demonstrate how users could find the products that they need or desire. The moments of innovation came in the Product Landing Page Experience, where we began to pull in truly educational content and appropriate product descriptions that Sneakerheads and Influencers would be interested in.
Mobile-First Design
By taking a completely mobile-first approach to design, we broke out of the regular paradigms faced when converting desktop designs and established new ways of storytelling and immersion. View the movement: